It is pretty hard to believe! This guy is growing right before my eyes. He has such strong legs, i'm a tad worried he is going to walk sooner than later. He does little squats with all the strength he can muster. He has been rolling from tummy to back since week 7 and will just hang out on his fore arms on the floor if he isn't in the mood to roll.
His personality is really starting to shine and he gets more and more fun each day! He loves to "talk" and has been trying to giggle. I seriously can't wait until it really happens!
We leave on Saturday for our
annual trip to Rhode Island, and i simply can't wait to get his feet in the sand and water to see how he acts.
Tell us about those cute onsies! I've never seen them with the month and weight. Super cute & unique!
Steph - i actually design them each month and print out on transfer paper, then iron on. I love that i can keep each month and see how big the onesie's get!
very nice
love the pictures
Khasiat Agaricpro Obat Herbal Penurun Darah Tinggi Obat Herbal Ambeien Akut Obat Herbal Batu Empedu Tanpa Operasi Obat Herbal Sinusitis Kronis Obat Herbal Tumor Otak Jinak Obat Herbal Wasir Kronis Tanpa Operasi Obat Herbal Liver Kronis Paling Ampuh Obat Herbal Bronkitis Kronis Obat Herbal Usus Buntu Tanpa Operasi Obat Herbal Eksim Paling Ampuh Obat Herbal Gagal Ginjal Kronis
pengobatan herbal alami untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit secara alami
Obat Herbal Insomnia Akut Obat Herbal Radang Tenggorokan Paling Ampuh Obat Herbal Hernia Tanpa Operasi Obat Herbal Vitiligo Ampuh Obat Herbal Gagal Ginjal Tanpa Cuci Darah Obat Herbal Gendang Telinga Pecah Obat Herbal Leukemia Akut Obat Herbal Kanker Otak Stadium 3 Obat Herbal Amandel Tanpa Operasi Obat Herbal Hepatitis B Paling Ampuh Obat Herbal Kelenjar Tiroid Paling Ampuh Obat Herbal Kista Mujarab Obat Herbal Jantung Koroner Paling Ampuh Obat Herbal Penyakit Chikungunya Obat Herbal Kanker Prostat Tanpa Operasi Khasiat Ace Maxs
atasi penyakit varises secara alami dengan Obat Herbal Varises
very interesting
Obat Herbal Fistula Ani
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