[ friday finds: IKEA real living ]


It is no secret, i love IKEA! The simplicity, the ability to combine each piece with various styles and other pieces and the price! I love browsing through the catalog that ends up wrinkled and doggie eared. We are getting ready to plan another trip too. Oh- and the swedish meatballs? Yummy.
Anyway, i just found this website. I think i must be the last living person to realize it even existed, but it is all about IKEA goodies in the homes of people. Real homes, like me and you! Not propped for photo shoots and not like the store.

| source: IKEA Live |

Have a fabulous weekend! Does anyone have fabulous plans?


Hurdles of Life said...

i LOVE Ikea too!! It is realtively inexpensive (no more than target or walmart furniture) and it is made well, with easy to read instructions making assembly a breeze!! Here are some of the things we've bought.. Ikea IRL

Lulu said...

I have been hoping - nay, dreaming!- that a site like this exsisted... Apparently I am the last one to know! Thank you SO much for sharing! Love your blog! :)

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