[ landscape plan ]


Part of my post yesterday was living life as normal as possible without basing everything on the "what ifs".

One thing we have been dying to do around the house is all the landscaping. There was nothing done. And believe me when i tell you, nothing. The guy that owned this house had a bizarre passion for cement. There was cement chunks everywhere! I would post photos, but i'm afraid to frighten you all away.

With lots of thinking through the most cost effective and logical ways to take steps to pretty up the curb appeal, we came up with a plan. This will allow us to get moving on pieces of the outside, while staying within a cash budget and keep the projects moving.

If we don't get matched before the end of the summer, we have to have our home study redone and that will cost a pretty penny and take away from our landscaping funds. Unless anyone knows where to get seeds for a money tree?

If we don't have to have our home study redone because we get matched (yay!), then we can move forward with other items.

So here is the basic overview.

You will notice we did plant some of the hydrangea already, but this is the overall plan here for the side of the house, going up the driveway.

So there you have it. Pretty simple huh? We will see about that. I'm afraid of heights, so painting those red spots will be Christopher's job. We have a bunch of clay and rock so digging will be tough. I need to put my pink thumbs away and grab the green ones for the day, or weekend or summer at this rate!

Have a terrific day!


nikinikinine said... 1

love the plan! It's going to look so awesome!

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