we did it!


we signed up for a weekend getaway! Ok.. before you get too excited, it isn't all that romantic. It is with an adoption agency we are looking at. They hold weekend, relaxing getaways as a means to have you armed with all the information you need to make informed decisions. Also, you are with other couples going through the same process. It should be fun. Relaxing? Not so sure of that, but heck! It is a getaway. How utterly pathetic is that?

It is the first step (of many) to starting the processes. It is one (of many) decisions to be made. It is interesting how going through fertility treatments, there was always a decision to be made. My cycles never seemed to go smoothly or as planned for that matter, so i thought this would be easier. No such luck! More intense, more decisions, more money, and quite possibly more emotion.

The getaway is in Rutland, Vermont. I am hoping for some nice weather as we start this chapter. I am totally looking forward to it too. I have started reading a couple of really great books to help prepare, and i have to say for someone who doesn't really read (except gossip magazines) i am getting sucked in rather quickly. A good sign i think!


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