Let the spring cleaning begin!


So... i made a nice, long to-do list this year. It feels really good to check things off. I went room by room and decided that each weekend, i would tackle a room. This way, by the time summer really kicks into gear, i won't have any cleaning or home projects left. So far, it has worked out. What we started with was the kitchen. Totally cleaned, top to bottom. We also reorganized the cabinets, put the self cleaner on the oven, and did pain touch ups! It looks just like new again.
My first little piece of organizing fun came with a visit to Bed Bath and Beyond. I got this:

I always find that once i put things away, Christopher and i have different ideas of where things go. So, we decided all the cooking/baking stuff would go together. Makes sense, huh? We will see how long it lasts! LOL

So.. our mess went from this:

to this!!

Up next? The dining room chair slipcovers, washing the sheers and finding a plant stand for the corner. I can't wait. I am going to start scoping out antique shops.


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