Spring is in the air


So spring is in the air. Well officially, it was last week. But for me? It started this week with sneezing, runny eyes, tiredness and oh! That to-do list of spring projects. I am really excited about a couple of them. We are going to do baby steps with landscaping and get new outdoor furniture. I am so excited. We already have 2 brand new adirondack chairs from my sister and her hubby for an anniversary gift. We are going to paint them red. We thought against the blue house, they would look great. They also got us an outdoor fireplace for Christmas, so i am totally pysched to make this little seating area outside.

This weekend here is my list:
- self clean the oven (well it does clean itself) LOL
- put new burners in the stove along with covers
- reorganize the cabinets and pull anything for a yard sale (this will include a trip to BB&B)
- wash and iron the dining room slip covers for the chairs.

That should keep me quite busy and start feeling like spring!


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