60 shots/pricks later....and IUI #3 is ON!


i can't believe we are in the end of cycle #3. It feels so weird after not being at the RE office since November. I did some math last night and figured out that my belly and arm has had a combo of 60 shots and pricks through these 3 cycles. Not so fun!
So yesterday at my follie check my 2 dominant nuggets had grown from 16mm and 18mm to both 21.5 mm! Yippie! Also, the little guy grew from 13 to 15.5 and will still grow. So we got the go ahead to trigger last night. Poor hubby had to come to the mall. You would think after all the shots i have had, that i could do it on my own. Nope! But i did look for the first time. We slipped into the restroom and there it was!
Friday morning is the big day. Although i am now good at staying somewhat neutral in feeling, i am still staying positive that this is our month. At the very least, i know this will be our year.


Anonymous said...

Good luck, good luck, good luck!

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