{ more checks off my list yesterday }


So yesterday was sort of bittersweet i think for a couple of reasons. First, i had my physical. Now, don't get me wrong, i enjoy being healthy and taking care of myself. But... i had to go get a physical. It is all part of the big plan. The major checklist. The adoption. I would have made an appointment...(eventually). So when i saw the nurse first, she wanted me to change into a gown of course. I felt like telling her she didn't need to leave the room. I had given up being shy in front of nurses and doctors about a year ago when all of my testing began. After 17 ultrasounds in 5 months with the same tech looking at your "area", i was OK with her staying around. She walked out, and i sat on the end of the table thinking to myself..." i almost wish i was having another ultrasound at the clinic." " I wish i was changing into a gown for my own baby." Even though the other side of my brain (the logical side) was so excited to be there, that i was checking another item off my list of things that need to be accomplished before next Friday.

My doctor walked in and remembered that it had been 2 years since i had seen him. It was 2 years ago that i had a physical to make sure everything was in tip-top shape before we started ttc. We was so sweet. I excitedly handed him the paper he needed to sign off on that i am a "healthy person" and that he sees no physical reason why we can't adopt. Can you imagine? Walk up to anyone on the street and ask if they had their doctor's approval to adopt. But, i know it is part of the process, and i don't complain anymore, i just get it done. In talking about our plans to build a family, i never knew that he has 2 adopted children from Korea! It was great to talk with him about it, and he "got it." It was fun to connect with him on a different level.

Part of him signing off the form, was that i also needed a tetanus shot, a TB test and my full set of blood draws. I left the office looking like a dart board. Seriously. The nurse asked me when she drew my blood if i donate blood a lot. She could see lots of lines. ( Either that or she was thinking quietly that i must be an addict)! "No" i replied. "I went through fertility treatments." "Oh" she responded.

So i left the doctors office and headed downtown to City Hall. I also needed a copy of my marriage license. Walking through the guarded door, with all my glorious needle marks, i totally got "the eye" from the cop. But, just kept going. I was in all my glory. It was sunny outside, i just got something accomplished and i was headed to grab another check mark off my list!

Of course, it seems like the women that work at this office are always crabby. I often wonder if it is comes with the territory, or you just have to have that personality to work there. I asked to get a certified copy of my license, and she snapped back..."what do you need it for?" What i felt like saying, and what i did say were 2 different things. " I'm adopting!" In my proudest voice, with the biggest grin. "Oh." she said. (what is with the "Oh's"?) So it didn't take long, was $15 bucks and i was off! What a great day.

On my way home, i was passing up this store. (Well, i like to call it a perpetual garage sale). This adorable little magazine box caught my eye.

It was only $3.00! I am going to fix it up and paint it white for the nursery. I think it is so adorable for some books next to the rocker.

I also decided that instead of selling this end table, i am going to fix the crack in it and paint it white. It is a Heywood Wakefield table, which is probably sinful to paint, but i am going to do it. I am going to fix it up and paint it white as well for the nursery. I love the lines of it, and would look so cute with all my thoughts!

So those are some of my goodies. Next weekend we will start reorganizing the nursery and pulling down the closet wall to make more space. I'm looking forward to that project!

Have a terrific Thursday!


Samantha said...

I LOVE that table. Wicked awesome :)

nikinikinine said...

It seems like things are happening so fast now for you which is so awesome. I can't wait to see pics of the nursery!

Wendy said...

Yay for having your physical done and for getting the copy of your license! All the little steps bring you closer to your little one.

I love the magazine rack - that's going to be so cute! I can't wait to see pics of your nursery, either - I have a feeling it's going to be super cute!

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