IUI #3 done...


and it was easy peasy! My nurse Marla, did the procedure. i was happy to see her as i have only spoken to her over the phone the past couple of months. She is such a doll and always puts my mind at ease and just has a very sweet personality. She told me my E2 levels looked great, and had more than doubled from #2. So this means that i have some eggs growing! eeeeekk! So exciting.
Christopher's numbers looked great, one of his best samples yet. I can't help but to wonder - this has to be the cycle, right? But no, it still is no guarantee and that is the whole bummer. Darn "scientific sex" and still no guarantee. At least i have a better handle on bad news now though. I think we both really do.
So Marla told me to go ahead and order more meds. I am running low, and with these situations, you have to air on the side of caution and a negative outcome so we won't be caught with our pants down. The only downside? I am at my max viles of drugs to chloride, so she thinks my dose might be upped, which means 2 shots per night for me come the next cycle if we have to.. ugh.. for the love of god! I now have a little over 2 weeks to wait for a blood test.. I think i will distract myself with lots of work and movie night with my hubby!


Anonymous said...

I know I already said this on the boards, but I have my fingers and toes all crossed - I really hope this one works for you. Those are some good numbers for both you and the Mr.!

Here's to a speedy 2ww!

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