{ where does time go? }


It has been a super duper crazy week. Where does the time go? Sometimes i enjoy a good fast week, but others i wish i could just add a couple more hours into the day. That way, i could really savor some of the moments in my life.

I have to get ready to run out, but i wanted to write because my head is full of thoughts. We sent our letter into our clinic this week, that our attorney helped us write. Hopefully, this will be enough to move past our lingering (yet, really, really wrong bill) with Albany IVF. We are just so anxious to get a move on with our home study paperwork, but we feel caught not knowing what could come of this, especially financially.

On the professional side this week i was preparing for one of the most gorgeous weddings i have ever been part of. The detail, design and thought of every detail is simply amazing. I designed each piece of stationary from top to bottom, and i found out yesterday that her photos will be sent to Grace Ormond (umm.. hello!), InStyle Weddings, Bride and Bloom and Martha Stewart weddings. To be featured in one of those magazines will be my dream. Oh! And i am totally stalking her tent tomorrow before we head out to our already scheduled parties. Otherwise, i totally would have been there as a "fly on the wall." I am also working on some new designs for a new project. Don't want to say too much write now, but keep an eye out. Good things.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!


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